Not to beat a dead horse...

Courtesy of the Cleveland Leader

Also, saw The Harlequins play last night and they are awesome. My new favorite locals, I'm proud to live in Cincinnati. I heard Enlou's EP the other night too, all mastered and done and it's incredible so there are many many flavors of soft serve at the local music ice cream shop right now. Love love love.


Jeremy McGinniss said...

I've greatly appreciated your focus on libraries for your past couple of posts. Found this item this morning.
I work in NY as a librarian so I deeply appreciate your fervor. Hope very sincerely that the gov. sees the light on this issue. Really enjoying the new record as well-nice job!

Joe said...

Right on about the Harlequins. Little Thousand had the distinct pleasure of playing right before them at Adjust Your Eyes on Saturday, and their set was so brain-rebootingly good that I completely forgot to get back the power strip they borrowed from me... d'oh!!
also, nofair that you get to listen to new enlou and i don't. ::envy envy envy::